North Moreton

A small  Oxfordshire village in the South East of the county

Up and Coming Events

This is a perfect time to come and see your new village Hall. The refurbishment is now finished and the hall is looking amazing. The committee have done a great job with the planning and interior design and the hall now has so much more space and storage. Last year's quiz was a great success  and with your support we hope this year will be even more fun.

Village History Group

Back in November 2017 we held a History Exhibition in The Bear which was well attended, with several of those present expressing an interest in setting up a small Village History group. Six years have now passed without progress, and during that time many of those who lived through the post war years have sadly died and their memories are lost forever.

Although fortunately we have the results of the detailed research carried by Gerald Howat and Kelvin White, there is always more to be discovered - and we also need to remember that today’s hap-penings are tomorrow’s history……

If you are interested in carrying out further research, providing the history of your property, or have any suggestions, do contact


Click on the headline for full article.

Village News ( The footpath....)

Parish Council (Notes about meetings this year )

Green Shoots  (Details of progress )

Village Hall (News regarding increased hire charges)

South Moreton ( School & Playgroup )

All Saints Church  4,0pm Parish Service: All Saints’ NM

Dates for your Diary



2nd Book sale (see advert for details)

8th Village quiz (see advert for details)

North Moreton Newsletter

This newsletter is produced four times a year by Michael Howatt and once again our thanks go out to him for all his hard work.

Current Editions Past Editions

More work has been done to improve the look of the Green Shoots plot. Children and adults spent one weekend this summer decorating various pieces of wood and stones plus an old gate. The results of this hard work are shown below and have been installed in the Green Shoots space.

They really have made a big difference and the whole plot now looks even more inviting with its brightly painted objects. Click here for gallery

If you are interested and would like to become involved

see web page here

Or contact via email  North Moreton Green Shoots

Parish meetings

All members of the public are invited to attend and address the council. The next parish council meeting will be on Tuesday 17th September . The agenda is usually published ten days before the meeting. It will available to read on the village notice board or you may read it or download it here when published.   (Agenda)

Draft minutes of last meeting (here)

Approved Minutes of past meetings are availible (here)

Dates for next years meetings click (here)

Car park update

More Recycled Plastic matting has been laid at the entrance to the recreation ground parking area. Many thanks to Rob and his children for their invaluable help. The matting has had a thin layer of soil spread over it  so by this spring grass should be growing through the  matting which should soon disappear into the the grass.

Other recreation ground news

Just before last July’s Cricket Festival, we installed three green recycling bins next to the general waste bins in the recreation ground, since most of the rubbish generated consists of bottles and cans. We would like to point

out that all the bins are emptied by volunteers (thanks to Dave Powell and Jon Slade for this), so it would be greatly appreciated if dog poo bags were put in the dog poo bins, bottles were emptied prior to disposal, waste food was bagged tightly and disposed of in the general waste bin, and babies’ nappies were taken home with the babies and definitely not put in the recycling bin.

Dog poo bins

The five dog poo bins around the village are provided principally for use by walkers. Although Biffa empty them regularly, they seem to fill up very quickly, so please don’t use them for dog waste from your garden, which can be disposed of in your black wheelie bin.

Grants for Young People

A reminder that North Moreton Charitable Trust is able to make a grant of£75 to young people on attaining the age of 18, whose family have beenresident in the village for a minimum of one year.

Please apply to the Clerk of the Trust giving your age, a brief description of your further education, apprenticeship or job, and the likely purpose towards which you would apply the grant

Village Hall

Cost of hiring the village hall have been increased due to the rise in heating and lighting costs. See booking form for new prices  You can download the  booking form  here .

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